1968 after completion of conquering “Six provinces of the South”, the French colonialists built here a palace. At first the palace was the residence of the Governor General of the South. From 1887 (Oct. 17, 1887), when the French President signed the decree to establish the federal of Indochina, the Palace became the French Governor General’s Residency called Norodom’s Palace. 1954, after the failure in
Dien Bien Phu, under Geneva agreement the French expeditionary Corps had to withdraw from
Vietnam. On Sept. 07, 1954 General Paul Ely, High Commissioner Commanding the French army in Indochina on behalf of France handed over Norodom’s
Palace to the representative of Saigon
ruler who was Prime Minister Ngo Dinh
Diem. This transferring ceremony was
considered as the symbol for the
national independence therefore on Sept.
08, 1954 Ngo Dinh Diem officially changed Norodom’s Palace into the Palace of Independence.
On April 30, 1975, the moment of conquering the Palace of Independence was also the moment of terminating victoriously
Ho Chi Minh City campaign and the campaign of full liberation of the South. The Palace of Independence became the convergent point of victories. In Nov. 1975, the political consultative conference for reunification of two North South parts took place there. With such great historical meanings, in 1976 the Palace was speciality recognized by the State as the Cultural Historical relic of the Palace of Independence (Decision No. 77A/VHQD dated June 25, 1976). Besides the said names, among the people this palace had different names depending on each period, such as: During the French colonization it was called the Governor General’s Palace. During the Republic of Vietnam, the President’s Palace. And according to geomancy, the Palace was located at the position of dragon head, so it was called the Residency of Dragon Head. After the political consultative conference for unification of two South & North parts, it was called the Conference Hall of Unification or the Palace of Unification. The agency currently assigned to manage the cultural relic of the Independence Palace called the Meeting Hall of Unification belongs to the Administration Management Department 2 - The Government Office. |